4 Types of Teenage Health Programs

There are dozens of teenage health programs available which aimed to motivate and lead the youngsters to a healthier and mindfulness lifestyle.


Effects of Stress on Body

1. Stress Management Program

Recent research and media attention has highlighted the soaring levels of stress that young people experience in today’s society, with psychological disorder registered as occurring in as many as one in ten young people aged 11‐15.

However, relatively little is known about how stress levels affect the well‐being and behavior of young people. Although English, Maths and other core curriculum subjects are always taught to us at school, stress management or other psychological techniques are not routinely included in the timetable.

Government should put stress management on the school agenda and attempt to make it a key part of the curriculum and school life. Another essential part of the health program involved teaching students how to recognize and record different symptoms of stress, to lead to the selection of a suitable stress management technique.

For example, positive thinking techniques could help to reduce the symptom of worry whereas aromatherapy could help reduce the symptom of muscular tension.

Teenage Drug Prevention Program

2. Teenage Drug Prevention Program

The sharply rising rates of drug use among young people captured the attention of politicians, commentators and academic researchers across the world. School should provide education program aimed at reducing the acceptability of drugs to young people.

A collaborative approach involving education and other public and private sector agencies was proposed. Such teenagers health program can be based on based on a partnership between health, education and other public and private sector agencies, namely a local health authority, a mental health trust, the local education authority and participating schools.

The health program should work closely with local health promotion and school police liaison officers. In fact, it aimed to provide pupils with information about drugs and training in resistance and life skills.

Moreover, teachers may deliver the program with training and support from the program, while parent should also attempt to produce community involvement. Furthermore, it is important to provide students with accurate, credible and consistent drug information to educate teenagers in school.

Teenage drug education program may deliver in many styles such as sociology-cultural influences. PSHE education, namely Personal, Social, Health and Economic education is a program that provide information and the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable teenager to make effective choices which will help them to live cheerful, healthy, flourishing lives, now and in the future.

By implementing the PSHE education, teenagers are better in understanding themselves and self-interest which would help them to embrace a drug-free life.

Eating Disorder Health Program

3. Eating Disorder Prevention Program

Eating disorders are one of the most common mental illnesses, effecting upwards of 13% of women between the ages of 15–25 and about 4% of young men. Unhealthy disordered eating behaviors such as extreme dieting or over-exercising, affect one third to one half of adolescent girls and boys.

It is reported that disordered eating behaviors may include at least one of the following – fasting, skipping meals to lose weight, consuming diet pills, vomiting, smoking, as well as binge eating. Furthermore, reports of dieting, fear of fatness, body image concerns and weight loss attempts, as well as cases of more serious eating disorders have been documented in children as young as seven years old.

Hence, these eating disorder prevention programs are aiming at encouraging healthy eating and physical activity among children and adolescents without promoting fad diets, weight loss attempts and the diet‐binge cycle.

Those involved in the planning of educational programs to promote sensible eating and prevent body image and eating problems such as teachers, health educators, dietitians, school administrators, nurses, researchers, policy makers and those responsible for food product development, marketing and advertising – should remember one of the most basic principles of modern medicine – “first, do no harm”.

There have been warnings about the potential to do more harm than good when attempting to prevent eating disorders. The use of negative language, a focus on problem‐based messages such as sugar and fat are “bad” and use of the term “junk food” contribute to the underlying fear of food, dietary fat and weight gain which precede body image concerns and eating problems.

Adolescents need to know that they can enjoy a variety of different foods in a balanced diet and they need to be enabled to do so in a positive, motivating atmosphere. So, negative messages or those that produce guilt, shame or fear of food are likely to do more harm than good.

Teenage Anti Smoking Health Program

4. Anti- Smoking Campaign

Nowadays, cigarette smoking has become a common as well as fashionable trend among youngsters. Most of the youngsters smoke for the sake of their peer group or due to peer influence.

Whilst most smoking related diseases occur in middle and older age groups, adolescents who smoke have more respiratory infections, poorer lung function, and for those with asthma, a worsening of symptoms compared to non‐smokers.

There is also growing evidence that youth smoking is a marker for mental health problems in adulthood and there is some evidence to suggest that anxiety and depression in teenagers increases the likelihood of nicotine dependence.

Anti-smoking media campaigns and advertising has proved to be an effective way to reduce the prevalence of smoking among adolescents significantly. The media campaigns can influence teenager’s behavior and lessen the magnitude of tobacco consumption by convincing them to quit smoking.

A combination of large-scale media campaigns with state and community level strategies also have the potential to curtail tobacco use across diverse populations. In short, awareness programs by media and behavioral interventions have an enormous effect on reducing the smoking amount on teenager.

Watch: The Teenage Brain Is Primed For Addiction

The teenager’s mind is still “under development.” The cerebrum’s front end, the pre-frontal cortex, in charge of the official functions, for example, reasoning, basic decision-making, knowledge abortion, and drive control. In the youngster mind, this part of the brain is manufactured yet not completely insulated; as the signals travel through gradually.

The mind “develops” and protects itself from back to the front. The primitive regions of the teenager’s brain, which handle feelings and the rewarding systems, complete the development before the areas related to the logical thinking and other decision-making.

At the point when a teen takes illegal drugs at this specific formative time, when the rewarding framework as well as the emotional area of the cerebrum is completely working, yet basic decision-making and other impulsive controls are yet not fully developed, therefore, they are much easier to primed to addiction.

Types of Teenagers Drug Prevention Programs

Notwithstanding with the rapid increased for the awareness to the need of started educating the teenagers regarding the potential harms and risks of the illegal drug usage.

The prevention of drugs among the teenager and its interpretation into science-based prevention techniques will be discuss in this post.

While it has turned out to be evident that increasing numbers of teenagers are trying to take those unlawful drugs, mainly due to the poor knowledge and states of mind at the particular age to think rationally about their action and consequences of taking drugs.

The teenager’s knowledge related to the unlawful drugs was tested and proved to be insufficient, ambiguous and regularly misunderstood.

Teenagers Drug Abuse Prevention Programs

Teenagers Drug Prevention Programs

There are dozens of teenagers drug prevention programs have been organized and analyzed in the previous couple of decades. Most of these preventative activities are emphasized on the alcohol, tobacco, and other chemical substances.

Different prevention programs have different objectives, including to educate the teenagers to understand the knowledge of drugs, discourage the usage of these drugs, avoid the first try of these drugs, and limiting the mischief brought about by the utilization.

Home-Based Drug Prevention Program

1. Home-Based Teenagers Drug Prevention Programs

Home-based drug prevention programs look into the environment of which the teenagers grown up in. The adoption of illegal drug among teens has been closely related to the prosperity, principle and types of family interaction involved in the family.

Research further discuss that the social interaction among family member bring enormous impact to the usage of illegal drug among teens.

The result recommends that more time spent among the family members conducting positive activities could eventually help to reduce the teenager’s possibilities of drug abuse.

Moreover, the effective education regarding the harm and risk of illegal drugs should be incorporated into the teenager’s mind since young, and educating them to make rational decision.

Some other drug prevention mechanism, such as the impulse control ability should also develop from by family education.

School-Based Drug Prevention Programs

2. School-Based Teenagers Drug Prevention Programs

Many of the research has directed to this drug prevention program to be operated on a school-based. This teenagers drug prevention programs which carried out in the school, where the teenagers spent most of the time in besides home, should help to achieve some objectives mentioned above.

Research further found that the school which utilizing interactive strategies were found in research to diminish the utilization of drugs. All the school-based programs also proven to assist teenager to acquire increase knowledge of the illegal drugs.

Albeit powerful school-based prevention programs are accessible, the dispersal at the schools are still not being effective executed.

Peer Educating Drug Prevention Program

3. Peer Education for Teenagers Drug Prevention Programs

Moreover, peer education or intervention has turned out to be progressively well-known in Britain as a strategy for teenager’s drug prevention. Couple of activities have experienced formal assessment and the degree to which such projects impact the illegal drug use of teenagers is therefore obscure.

Research demonstrate that the intervention was effectively executed and the drug data was spread to a wide cross-segment of the objective populace including the individuals who might otherwise not having a chance to access to this information.

The assessment further concluded a significant number of interaction which made by the peer evaluation were through addressing peer and conveying drug information fliers.

These resources create the impression that the interaction of such activities helps teenagers to expand their knowledge and understand the harmful effect of those illegal drug.

While the effect and result of the assessments of peer drug prevention programs have been successfully carried out, there is still lack of empirical evidence that peer drug education is a prevalent technique for drug prevention and counteracting action in contrast with different approaches.

The ‘Club Drug’ and Its Treatment

Sadly, there is something more than music at clubs. It is an undeniably vast nearness as drugs that are known as ‘club drugs‘. These incorporate Ecstasy, rohypnol, Methamphetamine and GHB, which are perilous opiates that can deliver a scope of harmful impacts, including mental trips and even demise.

Brought in conjunction with liquor, it is hard to assess how people will respond, including on in the event that they end up plainly dependent on utilizing these substances.

Luckily, there are various assets that have practical experience in here and now and long haul adolescent club tranquillize treatment.

Inforgraphic of Teenage Drug AbuseTeenagers and the Clubs Drugs

Clubs effortlessly pull in teenagers on the grounds that it is a social situation that gloats a decent time. A few people may take that great time too far and try different things with illegal drugs.

There are treatments and avoidance techniques that are being produced. The National Institute on Drug Abuse has even devoted a whole site to club drugs with data on the most proficient method to get required assistance.

Since there are harmful consequences related with these illegal drugs, it is imperative that an individual looks for an office that can help with teenager’s club sedate treatment.

For instance, treating rohypnol may consist of up to five days of inpatient detoxification with escalated medicinal checking. Doctors might have the capacity to help administration withdrawal manifestations, as it is feasible for these side effects to be life-debilitating.

Clubs and Teenagers
GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) is another famous drug in clubs and fills in as a focal sensory system depressant. Since there are right now no GHB identification tests utilized as a part of a crisis room, it is even feasible for it to go undetected.

Doctors may screen the individual and regard withdrawal side effects as required. Other club sedate utilize might be dealt with in the here and now by observing heart and respiratory capacities, as those might be influenced relying upon the opiate.

As far as long haul treatment, people who are dependent on substances ought to look for the assistance of a guide and restoration office. A family doctor might have the capacity to require a decent neighborhood specialist or focus in view of the person’s needs.

Contingent upon how extreme the dependence is, a long remain at a recovery office might be required trailing by customary advising or treatment sessions. An authorized guide or therapist ought to be counseled for finding the correct treatment program.

Clubs and Teenagers Drugs Abuse
Drugs use in clubs is developing in prominence and can represent a perilous risk to young people. With regard to high school club drug treatment, there are a few highways a doctor may take.

For the time being, hospitalization and restorative checking might be fundamental. For a few people with rehashed utilize and fixation, going by a recovery focus and meeting routinely with an advocate or other adviser might be vital.

Check out National Institute on Drug Abuse for more information about these illegal drug. Besides, you can support Kids from the Other Side for the Teenagers Drug Prevention Programs.